Oslo Nysirkus was founded in ​2015 after a performance request from the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, and is run by musician and producer Einy Langmoen and circus artist Emma Langmoen. We saw that while contemporary circus is already a known art genre in most of Europe, Norway still has a big potential for development. Our goal is to make circus easily available for everyone in Norway, whether that be in big productions, smaller events, workshops, or other settings.
Read about our productions, "Symfoni & Circus" with the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, "The Time Thief" with Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, and "Gjennom Glass" and "Refleksjoner" with Inga Gorset here.
Oslo Nysirkus ble startet opp i 2015 etter en forespørsel fra Oslo Filharmoniske Orkester, og drives av musikeren og produsenten Einy Langmoen, og nysirkusartisten Emma Langmoen. Mens nysirkus er en utbredt og anerkjent kunstform i nesten hele Europa, er det fremdeles stort potensiale for utviklingen i Norge. Vi ønsker å gjøre nysirkus lett tilgjengelig for folk flest, enten det er gjennom forestillinger, eventer, undervisning eller annet.
Du kan finne mer informasjon om våre produksjoner "Symfoni & Sirkus", med Oslo Filharmoniske Orkester, "Tidstyven", med Bergen Filharmoniske Orkester, og "Gjennom Glass" og "Refleksjoner" med Inga Gorset her.
Photo by Eivind Kristiansen
Circus is about pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Together we can make your happening something extraordinary.
We offer a wide variety of entertainment and skills for performances and events, ranging from solo performances or workshops, to full shows with a strong team of circus artists, musicians and performers.
Photo by Peter D. Hypher
Anna and Emma in Cirkus Elviras Jubileumsshow, October 2018. Photo by Lia Jacobi
Acrobats for your event? Here is Emma performing in the silks, March 2014.
Photo by Peter D. Hypher